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Until 2020 teachers knew what school looked like, based on their experiences of having been in school and having worked in schools. Facilitating meaningful learning involved being in a physical room, with actual materials and students. Overnight, teachers were suddenly charged with knowing how to deliver the same education in a completely different setting in which they have limited or no experience. Research has shown us that providing teachers with experiences and mental models of new instructional methodologies is key to those methods being utilized in the classroom (Beard and Wilson, 2018). Educators who have no mental models for what online learning looks and sounds like will struggle to figure it out on their own. With the proper support teachers can consider how to retool some of their instructional strategies for these new settings and they may even seek out other instructional approaches that are more effective to support student learning online.

Learning Sessions

Technology Integration

Facilitate learning by:
  • Accessing online meetings, courses, and workshops
  • Using platforms such as Zoom, Canvas, and Google Classroom
  • Becoming proficient with educational software, apps, and tools such as Seesaw, Desmos, and virtual manipulatives

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Content/Pedagogy Resources

Provide online instruction that:
  • Creates engaging learning environments
  • Develops culturally responsive instruction
  • Assesses student understanding
  • Is student-centered
  • Encourages students to actively exlore/experience their world

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Social-Emotional Support

Deal with human aspects of understanding and manage change by:
  • Setting realistic positive goals
  • Developing empathy for others
  • Establishing/maintaining positive relationships
  • Practicing flexible instruction
  • Informed decision making and advocacy

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For more information, contact:

Terri Stockberger
Project Manager